Patient Care

Patient Care

Becoming a Sioux Center Health Patient

When a condition, illness, or injury makes it necessary for you or your child to visit the hospital – either as an inpatient or outpatient – we want your experience to be the best it can possibly be.

Our hospital is a 19-bed acute care facility with a “swing bed” (skilled nursing) program for the continued stay after being dismissed from acute care. Through a partnership with Avera, electronic ICU is provided for intensive care monitoring so patients can stay close to home while receiving around-the-clock care. The physician who admits you is responsible for directing your care while in the hospital along with our team trained medical professionals that provides 24 hour nursing care for you and your family in times of need. We offer safe, private, and comfortable single-patient rooms designed for optimal health and well-being.

Swing Bed

When you no longer need constant care, but it’s not yet safe to go home, the swing bed program is here to help. Swing bed is a comprehensive, skilled care, intravenous therapy, and rehabilitation program that provides transitional care for patients who may need additional medical help following an illness or surgery. Swing bed is available right in our hospital, allowing you to stay close to home and near friends and family as you recover.

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Going Home

When your physician decided you are ready to leave the hospital, a discharge order will be written. You may want to make arrangements with a family member or friend to help you when it’s time to go home.

  • Discharge Instructions: You physician and your nurse will give you instructions about post-hospital care (diet, activities, or other matters)
  • Medication: If your physician gives you a new medication, they are all electronically prescribed and can be filled at the pharmacy of your choice.
  • Transportation Service: When you are ready to leave, a member of the hospital staff will escort you to the front entrance and help you into the car.
  • Additional Treatment/Care: There are occasions when patients need additional treatment of care after they are discharged from the hospital. The following options are just a few of the services available, for more information regarding options/services, please ask to speak to the discharge planner/social worker, and a list of available services in the area can be provided. You can also access this list at:
  • Press Ganey Research: You may receive in the mail from Press Ganey Research a confidential patient satisfaction survey. Please take the time to share your experience with us. Your feedback helps us provide excellent care to you and our communities.

Transitional Care Management

Transitional Care Management (TCM) is a program designed to help Medicare patients transition back to their home upon discharge from the hospital. The program is run as a collaboration of the Hospital Discharge Team and the Medical Clinic Teams.

  • Keep patients healthy and prevent hospital re-admissions within the first 30 days of discharge
  • Assist patients with understanding their disease processes and medications
  • Provide opportunities for patients to get answers to their questions
  • Connect patients to their provider when needed

The TCM Team will:

  • Call you within 48 (business) hours of being discharged
  • Make sure you were able to pick up your prescriptions
  • Make sure you understood your discharge instructions and answer any questions you may have
  • Make sure you have a follow-up appointment scheduled in a timely manner and that you have transportation to that appointment
  • Will be available to you during the first 30 days after you go home from the hospital

Contact Information

Sioux Center Health:                  (712) 722-1271
Discharge Coordinator:             (712) 722-8152
Social Worker:                            (712) 722-8378
Utilization Review:                     (712) 722-8291

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