Education Services

Education Services

Sioux Center Health provides a number of different educational opportunities for members of the community. We offer life support classes involving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) usage as well as prenatal education classes for new and expecting parents.

CPR Training Classes for Infants, Children, and Adults

Basic Life Support Class 

Come and learn techniques on how to save the lives of infants, children, and adults in a cardiac arrest through high-quality Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The cost is $60.

Pediatric First Aid/CPR Class

This class is designed to learn child/infant first aid, cardiopulmonary (CPR), and automated external defibrillator (AED) use in a safe, timely, and effective manner. The cost is $60.

Adult First Aid/CPR Class

This class is designed for adults to be prepared for first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated external defibrillator (AED) use in a safe, timely, and effective manner. The cost is $60.

To register:

  1. Call Barb Vermeer at (712) 722-8228 or
  2. Email Barb Vermeer at or
  3. Select your event on the calendar and complete the registration form

Classes are held in the hospital conference room 2.

CPR Classes Calendar

Childbirth and Parenting Classes

Preparing for the birth of your baby is sometimes overwhelming. Understanding your pregnancy and having the right resources can help you feel more confident, healthy, and relaxed. Our comprehensive education programs provide knowledge and resources to assist you with all aspects of your pregnancy.

This free series of prenatal classes are designed to prepare you for labor, delivery, breastfeeding, transition to parenthood, and baby care skills.

To register:

  1. Call (712) 722-8160 or
  2. Select your event on the calendar and complete the registration form

Classes are held in the hospital conference room 1 and 2. Brunch and snacks are provided.

Childbirth and Parenting Classes Calendar

Babysitter Lessons and Safety Training Class

Boys and girls starting at age 11 can learn about the basics of babysitting in this one day class that is held on June 6th, 2023. Discussion topics include: first aid, choking, emergency plans, poison control, nutritious snacks, age appropriate activities, and basic infant and child care. The class is limited to 24 participants. Please bring your favorite doll or teddy bear to the class. The cost is $25.

To register:

  1. Click on our Events/Classes tab
  2. Call (712) 722-8228 or
  3. Email Barb Vermeer at

Classes are held at Sioux Center Health in Conference Rooms 1 & 2

Car Seat Safety Check-Up

Our certified car seat technicians will walk parents through a safety checklist of child’s age, size, condition of the seat, and help determine proper car seat installation. To get your infant car seat inspected, call (712)722-8160 to schedule an appointment with one of our certified car seat safety technicians.

Parkinson's Disease Community Wellness Classes

Sioux Center Health Therapy Center offers treatment options from our speech therapist, physical therapist, and occupational therapist to help people manage Parkinson’s disease in an upbeat and supportive healing environment. Benefits include: exercises specifically designed to address and help control Parkinson’s disease symptoms, actions that empower and enhance bigger, faster, and more fluid movements, and interactive, fun groups offer social support.

To register:

  1. Call (712) 722-8125

Classes are held in the Therapy Center. Group exercise classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 AM to 12 PM. There is no charge for the class.

Individual Therapy: One-to-one treatment options with a Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, and/or Speech Therapist, certified in LSVT BIG, LSVT LOUD, PWR.

Life After Loss Classes

The death of someone you care about can be followed by a wide range of confusing emotions. At this class, you will learn from our social services team about the process of healing and recovery, and have the opportunity to share your experience, strength, and hope with others who have also experienced a loss. Discussion topics include understanding grief, emotions that come with loss, caring for yourself, gaining a new identity, changing relationships, and coping with holidays and special occasions.

To register:

  1. Call (712) 722-8108 or
  2. Email at

Classes are held at Crown Pointe Estates in the Chapel on Main Street. Each class will take place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 1 to 2 PM. There is no charge for the class. Refreshments will be available.

Life After Loss Classes Calendar

Welcome to Medicare

A free two-hour seminar offered by the State of Iowa’s Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) and Sioux Center Health.

“Welcome to Medicare” will cover:

  • Medicare Parts A & B benefits
  • Prescription Drug Benefits (Part D)
  • Medicare Advantage Plans
  • Medicare Supplement Insurance

To register:

  1. Call (712) 722-8309

The seminar is offered at the hospital conference room 1.

Contact Information

CPR Class Registration: (712) 722-8228
Childbirth and Parenting
Class Registration:
(712) 722-8160

More Information